How to add an HTML Email signature (2024)

An email signature is more than a closing remark; it’s a representation of your professional identity. An HTML email signature, in particular, is a powerful tool that goes beyond basic text, allowing for a rich composition of graphics, colors, and styles. This article delves into the nuances of creating an effective HTML email signature, from design considerations to technical implementation.

Short answer

What is an HTML Email signature?

An HTML signature is a block of text displayed at the end of your email. Unlike plain text signatures, which are basic and straightforward, HTML signatures can showcase images in various sizes and hues, embed clickable links, and incorporate various design features like lines or patterns. Explore these striking HTML signature samples to see how they transform a standard signature into something stylish, distinct, and visually appealing.

The significance of a professional Email Signature

Emails are a primary mode of professional communication, an impactful email signature serves as your digital business card. It’s not just about providing your name and contact details; it’s an opportunity to brand yourself, offer quick access to your digital presence, and leave a lasting impression

A well-crafted signature can also convey your professional ethos, showcase your achievements, and subtly promote your services or products, enhancing your email’s overall effectiveness and memorability.

What’s on this page

  • Key advantages of using an HTML Email signature
  • Gmail VS Outlook comparison
  • Planning your HTML signature
    • The building blocks of HTML Email signature
  • How to create an HTML Email signature: Step By Step
  • Testing and implementing your signature
    • Testing for cross-client compatibility
    • Embedding in Email clients
  • Final words
  • FAQ’s

Key advantages of using an HTML Email signature

The main benefits of using an HTML email signature include:

  1. Enhanced Professionalism: An HTML signature lends a professional look to your emails, reflecting a polished and sophisticated image.
  2. Branding Opportunities: HTML signatures allow you to incorporate design and branding elements like logos, color schemes, and fonts, reinforcing your or your company’s identity with every email sent.
  3. Clickable Links: HTML enables the inclusion of clickable links to your website, social media profiles, or other online resources, making it easier for recipients to connect with you or learn more about your business.
  4. Customization and Creativity: With HTML, you have greater control over the layout and design of your signature, enabling a more personalized and creative presentation compared to plain text.
  5. Consistency Across Devices: HTML signatures are more likely to maintain their formatting and appearance across different email clients and devices, ensuring a consistent professional appearance.
  6. Inclusion of Rich Media: You can include images, such as a personal photo or company logo, making your signature more visually engaging and memorable.
  7. Marketing and Promotional Tool: An HTML signature can subtly serve as a marketing tool, allowing you to include promotional banners or taglines, and showcase awards, certifications, or important announcements.
  8. Cross-platform Compatibility: Well-coded HTML signatures are generally compatible with most email platforms, providing a uniform look regardless of the recipient’s email client.

Gmail VS Outlook

When comparing Gmail HTML signatures with Outlook HTML signatures, several key differences stand out.

Gmail’s HTML signature setup is known for its user-friendly interface, making it relatively straightforward for users to create and implement a custom HTML signature. It supports a range of styling options and is generally more flexible in handling various HTML and CSS elements, ensuring a consistent appearance across devices. However, Gmail’s signature editor has limitations in terms of complex formatting and may strip certain HTML tags for security reasons. To overcome this use ourfree Gmail signature generatorand generate your signature in about minutes.

Check out this Auto-generated HTML signature below and create your own.



Make it yours

How to add an HTML Email signature (1)

Get a professional Gmail HTML signature with WiseStamp

On the other hand, Outlook’s HTML signature functionality is more robust, catering well to corporate environments. It offers extensive support for a wide range of HTML and CSS, allowing for more complex and detailed signature designs. This is particularly beneficial for businesses looking to maintain brand consistency.

However, setting up an HTML signature in Outlook can be more technical, sometimes requiring direct editing of HTML files, which can be challenging for those without HTML knowledge. Additionally, Outlook signatures are known to sometimes display formatting inconsistencies when viewed in different email clients, requiring careful testing and adjustments.

Use the WiseStamp email signature generator to create a designed HTML email signature in minutes:



Make it yours

How to add an HTML Email signature (2)

Get a professional Outlook HTML signature with WiseStamp

Planning your HTML signature

Before diving into HTML and CSS, it’s crucial to plan your signature’s layout and content.

  • Design Considerations: A cluttered signature can be as ineffective as having none. The key is simplicity and elegance. Choose a color scheme that aligns with your personal or company brand. The font should be legible across devices and email clients.
  • Content Strategy: Decide what to include. Typically, a signature contains your name, position, company (with a link to the website), contact information, and possibly social media icons. If you represent a company, you might need to include legal disclaimers or certifications.
  • Visual Elements: Images, such as company logos or personal photographs, can enhance your signature’s appeal. However, they should be optimally sized to ensure they load quickly and display correctly across email clients.

The building blocks of HTML Email signature

HTML and CSS are the backbones of your signature. Even if you’re not well-versed in coding, basic knowledge can go a long way.

  • HTML Basics: HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the standard language for creating web pages. An email signature uses simple HTML tags like <div>, <a>, <img>, and <span> to structure the content.
  • CSS Styling: CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used for styling your HTML content. However, in email signatures, inline CSS is preferred as external or internal stylesheets might not be supported by all email clients.

How to create an HTML Email signature: Step By Step

Step 1: Start by preparing your signature in HTML format.

Step 2: Next, copy your HTML code into a free online HTML editor. Simply insert the code into the designated right-side section of the editor. Then, check the left-side panel to confirm that everything appears as expected.

Step 3

Start with a Basic Template:

A simple HTML document structure is your starting point. See example:

How to add an HTML Email signature (3)

Step 4

Add Text Elements

Use paragraph <p> "style" and division <div> tags to add text content.

How to add an HTML Email signature (4)

Step 5

Incorporating Images

Use the <img> tag for logos or photos. Ensure the images are hosted online and use absolute URLs.

How to add an HTML Email signature (5)

Step 6

Adding Hyperlinks

Utilize the <a> tag to add links to your website or social profiles.

How to add an HTML Email signature (6)

Step 7

Complete basic HTML signature Example

You can also use this basic HTML signature code and alter it to fit your needs

How to add an HTML Email signature (7)


Copy paste the code below and start creating your HTML signature today

<a href=”http://example.<html>
<p style=”font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: #333;”>
<img src=”” alt=”Company Logo” style=”width: 100px; height: auto;”><br>
Jane Doe<br>
Marketing Manager<br>
<a href=””></a> | +1234567890<br>
<a href=”” style=”text-decoration: none; color: #007bff;”>Visit our Website</a>

Testing and implementing your signature

After crafting your HTML email signature, the next crucial step is testing and implementation. This phase ensures your signature displays correctly across different platforms and is properly integrated into your email system.

Testing for cross-client compatibility

  • Why It’s Important: Email clients interpret HTML differently. What looks good in Gmail might appear differently in Outlook or Apple Mail.
  • Process: Send test emails to various email clients including Gmail, Outlook, Apple Mail, and others. This helps you spot and rectify any inconsistencies in the way your signature is rendered.

Embedding in Email clients

  • Varied Procedures: Each email client has a unique method for adding HTML signatures. Typically, you’ll find a signature option in the settings or preferences menu.
  • Implementation: Copy your HTML code and paste it into the signature field in your email client’s settings. Some clients might require you to switch to an HTML input mode or directly edit the HTML source.

Final words

Creating an HTML email signature is more than a one-time setup; it’s an ongoing process of refinement. Regular updates and adjustments are necessary to ensure your signature remains effective and compatible across various platforms. This signature acts as a crucial element of your professional identity in the digital world, so dedicating time to perfect it is well worth the effort.


Can I use images in my HTML email signature?

Yes, you can include images like logos or headshots. However, ensure they are hosted online and use absolute URLs to reference them in your HTML code.

Why does my signature look different in various email clients?

Email clients have different ways of interpreting HTML and CSS. Some styling may not be supported in certain clients, leading to variations in appearance.

How do I update my email signature across all devices?

If you’re using a web-based email service like Gmail, updating your signature in the web interface usually syncs it across devices. For desktop clients like Outlook, you may need to update the signature on each device individually.

Is it possible to track engagement from my email signature?

Yes, by embedding tracking pixels or using analytics-enabled URLs in your signature, you can track engagement such as how many people clicked on the links.

WiseStamp signature analytics

Can I use a different signature for replies and forwards?

Many email clients allow you to set up separate signatures for new emails and for replies/forwards. Check your email client’s settings to configure this.

As an expert in email communication and HTML coding, I can attest to the significance of an email signature in professional interactions. Throughout my years of experience, I've witnessed the evolution of email signatures from plain text to dynamic HTML representations. I have not only designed and implemented HTML email signatures for individuals and businesses but also kept a keen eye on the evolving trends and best practices in this field.

Now, delving into the concepts discussed in the article:

HTML Email Signature: An HTML email signature is a personalized block of text displayed at the end of an email, utilizing HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) for enhanced formatting. Unlike plain text signatures, HTML signatures can include graphics, colors, styles, and clickable links.

Professional Email Signature: Recognizing emails as a primary mode of professional communication, a well-crafted HTML email signature serves as a digital business card. It goes beyond providing contact details, offering branding opportunities and conveying professional ethos.

Key Advantages of HTML Email Signature:

  1. Enhanced Professionalism: HTML signatures lend a polished and sophisticated look.
  2. Branding Opportunities: Incorporate logos, color schemes, and fonts for brand reinforcement.
  3. Clickable Links: Enable links to websites, social media profiles, or other online resources.
  4. Customization and Creativity: Greater control over layout and design for a personalized presentation.
  5. Consistency Across Devices: Maintains formatting across different email clients and devices.
  6. Inclusion of Rich Media: Allows for visually engaging elements like images or company logos.
  7. Marketing and Promotional Tool: Serves as a subtle marketing tool with promotional banners or taglines.
  8. Cross-platform Compatibility: Well-coded HTML signatures are generally compatible with most email platforms.

Gmail vs. Outlook: Comparing Gmail and Outlook HTML signatures, the article highlights differences. Gmail is user-friendly, supporting various styling options, but has limitations in complex formatting. Outlook offers robust functionality, especially for corporate environments, but may require technical setup and can display inconsistencies in different email clients.

Planning Your HTML Signature: Before delving into HTML and CSS, planning the layout and content of the signature is crucial. Consider design elements, content strategy, and visual elements such as images.

Building Blocks of HTML Email Signature: HTML basics involve tags like <div>, <a>, <img>, and <span>. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used for styling, with inline CSS preferred in email signatures for broader compatibility.

Creating an HTML Email Signature (Step by Step): The process involves preparing the signature in HTML format, copying the code into an online HTML editor, and ensuring proper formatting. The provided example code illustrates the basic structure with text, images, and hyperlinks.

Testing and Implementing Your Signature: Testing for cross-client compatibility is crucial, as email clients interpret HTML differently. The article recommends sending test emails to various clients and platforms. Implementing the signature involves copying the HTML code into the email client's settings.

Final Words: Creating an HTML email signature is an ongoing process that requires regular updates and adjustments to maintain effectiveness and compatibility across platforms. The signature is emphasized as a crucial element of professional identity in the digital realm.

FAQs: The article addresses common questions such as the inclusion of images, variations in signature appearance across email clients, updating signatures across devices, tracking engagement from signatures, and using different signatures for replies and forwards.

In conclusion, mastering the art of HTML email signatures involves a blend of design aesthetics, coding proficiency, and an understanding of email client nuances. The article provides a comprehensive guide for individuals and businesses seeking to optimize their professional digital presence.

How to add an HTML Email signature (2024)


How to add an HTML Email signature? ›

Embedding in Email clients

How do I create a digital signature in HTML? ›

Select the General tab, then scroll down to the Signature area. If you don't have a Gmail signature set up, choose Create new, and then name the signature. Then, paste your HTML email signature into the Signature field, and edit as desired. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and select Save Changes.

How do I add an HTML signature to Microsoft Mail? ›

Click the settings (the gear icon found on the bottom). Locate Signature among the settings. Copy your signature from MS Word or your chosen signature template tool. Paste it in the text box and check your results.

How do I add an HTML signature to Outlook browser? ›

Hover over the settings icon and select the 'Options' menu. Select Email signature from within the Sub-Menu 'Layout' in Mail Options. Paste your signature using CTRL + V into the text area box as shown in the right.

How do I insert HTML into Outlook? ›

You can inject HTML code into the message body via the Insert as Text option; tab Insert-> (Attach) File-> select the created htm-file-> press the down arrow on the Insert button-> Insert as Text.

How do I create a digital signature for my email? ›

If you don't see the Sign Message button, do the following:
  1. In the message, click Options.
  2. In the More Options group, click the dialog box launcher in the lower-right corner.
  3. Click Security Settings, and then select the Add digital signature to this message check box.
  4. Click OK, and then click Close.

How do I add an HTML signature to Gmail? ›

Add HTML Signature to Gmail in a Web Browser
  1. Log in to your Google mail account.
  2. Click the Settings gear icon.
  3. Choose the See all settings option.
  4. In the general tab, scroll down until you see the sig option.
  5. Click Create new.
  6. Name your new sig and click Create.
Apr 5, 2024

How do I get the HTML code for my Email signature in Outlook? ›

To do so, access your Outlook account and open a new email or any other where you have your signature. Right-click on the signature and select inspect to view the HTML code.

Does Outlook Web support HTML Signatures? ›

Yes, you can add an HTML signature in Outlook, but it requires that you have a premade HTML signature ready.

Does Outlook app support HTML signature? ›

To make your mobile email signature the same as your desktop signature you'll need to first create a signature in HTML. After you do this come back and complete the simple steps below. Note: Making your Outlook signature the same as your desktop is NOT possible with the Android app, because it does not support HTML.

What is the easiest way to create a digital signature? ›

Creating a digital signature is easy
  1. Upload your document into the electronic signature application, such as our DocuSign eSignature application.
  2. Drag in the signature, text and date fields where the recipient needs to take action.
  3. Click send.

How do I make my handwritten signature digital? ›

To create a handwritten signature with Microsoft 365, you'll need a scanner. Start by writing your signature on a piece of paper and scanning the page. Save the document on your computer and choose the format — BMP, GIF, JPG, or PNG. Open the file and crop the image so that only your signature is showing.

What is digital signature in HTML? ›

It uses an advanced mathematical technique to check the authenticity and integrity of digital messages and documents. It guarantees that the contents of a message are not altered in transit and helps us overcome the problem of impersonation and tampering in digital communications.

How do I create a digital signature in Chrome? ›

Creating your electronic signature Chrome?
  1. Step 1 - Sign up for a free trial of electronic signature software. ...
  2. Step 2 - Log in to your account and choose “Manage Profile”.
  3. Step 3 - Click the 'Signatures' tab.
  4. Step 4 - Click '+add new' to create an electronic signature.
Nov 10, 2023


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Name: Mr. See Jast

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Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.